Beef 101 – The Differences Between Grades of Beef

By Heide Kennedy, Arizona Farm Bureau Communications Intern

When walking through the meat section of the grocery store, you’ve probably noticed the little shield symbols on the packages of meat that say something like “USDA Prime” or “USDA Choice.” As many of us know, those labels signify the quality grade of the meat, but what many of us don’t fully know is what exactly each label means or what they are based on.

According to the USDA’s website, there are 8 total grades given to beef. Each grade is determined based on the amount of fat marbling (the visible streaks of fat) in the cuts of beef. The fat marbling in each cut lends to its tenderness, juiciness, and overall flavor. Read on for a little more insight into the details of each grade of beef!

Prime – Beef that is graded prime is the top tier when it comes to quality beef. Prime beef is from younger, well-fed cattle, leaving it with abundant fat marbling throughout. It is excellent when it comes to tenderness, juiciness, and flavor.

Choice – Beef graded choice is still high-quality beef, but it has less fat marbling than prime beef. Choice beef is what is most readily available to consumers in a typical grocery store.

Select – Select beef is leaner than both prime and choice beef cuts. As a result, it has less flavor and juiciness than the other two grades of beef. Like choice, it is also very readily available to consumers.

Standard and Commercial – Standard and commercial-graded beef is also frequently sold as ungraded beef or store-brand meat for a lower price. Both these grades of beef are very low in fat content, so they lack a lot of the tenderness, flavor, and juiciness of other beef grades.

Utility, Cutter, and Canner – These last three beef grades are ones that you will rarely see cuts sold in a store. This is the leanest of all beef and is typically from older cattle. Due to its lack of fat content, whole cuts from these grades are not the best for cooking with, so they are typically reserved for use in ground beef, canned meats, or other processed meat products.

One thing that is important to note, is that each and every one of these grades of beef is still completely safe to eat and is still very nutritious. Just because a cut of beef has a lower grade doesn’t mean that it is bad beef. It’s just leaner, tougher beef that is better to be ground up or cooked with moist cooking methods where you can add juiciness and flavor back as opposed to more marbled cuts of beef that already have lots of moisture and flavor and can withstand dry cooking methods.

So, now you know all of the details about each grade of beef, so you can make a more informed decision the next time that you’re out grocery shopping.

On a side note, another label to look for when shopping for beef is the Arizona Grown label because Arizona-produced beef is some of the best in terms of quality and taste! Plus, you can go to our Fill Your Plate Farm Product Search to find Arizona Beef producers that will sell to you directly.

Remember May is National Beef Month!

For more articles on beef, check out the Fill Your Plate blog!

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Beef 101 – Nutritional Benefits of Beef

The cooler months here in Arizona are coming to an end, which means that 120-degree weather is almost here. While many of us groan at the thought of summer approaching, one thing we can all look forward to is all the backyard barbecues. And for us Arizonans, what better thing to throw on the grill or smoker than some fresh, Arizona-raised beef! Besides being delicious, beef is also incredibly nutritious too! Sliced Medium Rare Grilled Beef Steak Ribeye With Corn And Cherr

In terms of the basic nutritional facts of beef, a 3-ounce sirloin steak clocks in at:

  • 207 Calories
  • 12 Grams of fat
  • 0 Grams of carbohydrates
  • 23 Grams of protein

But the nutrition of beef doesn’t stop there. According to Dr. Atli Arnarson, beef is incredibly rich in a wide range of vitamins, minerals, and other healthful compounds. As a result, there are lots of health benefits that can come from consuming beef.

When it comes to vitamins and minerals, beef is a rich source of the following:

  • Vitamin B12
  • Vitamin B6
  • Zinc
  • Iron
  • Selenium
  • Niacin
  • Phosphorous


Additionally, beef is chock full of other compounds that offer multiple health benefits including:

  • Creatine – It serves as an energy source for muscles and is beneficial for growth and maintenance of muscles.
  • Taurine – An antioxidant amino acid that is beneficial to heart and muscle function.
  • Conjugated Linoleic Acid (CLA) – CLA is a trans-fat from ruminant animals that has been shown to promote weight loss and improve insulin sensitivity.
  • L-Carnitine – Helps with fat metabolism, and also improves heart health, fasting glucose levels, and cholesterol.
  • Glutathione – This is an antioxidant that has anti-aging properties, increases longevity, helps prevent illness and lessens disease risk.
  • Beta-alanine – This is an amino acid in beef that stimulates your body’s production of carnosine, which is important to muscle function, reduction of muscle fatigue, and improved endurance.

Now, with all that said, there is a wide range of health benefits that can come from all of the nutrition that beef has to offer. The most obvious is that consuming beef builds muscle mass due to all of the protein and creatine that it contains. That, along with the fat-burning benefits of L-carnitine and the improved muscle endurance of carnosine, make it a great option for those who are into fitness or sports. Beef consumption also helps to prevent anemia, as beef contains a significant amount of heme-iron, which is a more efficiently absorbed form of iron only found in animal products.

Raising beef cattle is one of Arizona’s top agricultural commodities, with Arizona ranchers producing enough beef to feed up to 8 million people! So, when you host a barbecue and fire up your grill this summer, make sure to cook up some delicious and highly nutritious Arizona beef!

And by the way, May is National Beef Month!

For more articles about health, nutrition, and Arizona agriculture, check out the Fill Your Plate blog!

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Cut Back on Foods That are High in Sugar and Fat

By Heide Kennedy, Arizona Farm Bureau Communications Intern

How often do we tell ourselves that we’re going to cut back on unhealthy foods? Whether we say that we’re not going to eat any more greasy, fatty, fast foods, or that we’ll stay away from indulging in sugary desserts, eating healthfully is such an easy goal to set, but a hard one to attain. Often, we attribute it to a lack of willpower, however, it also has to do with what happens to our brains when we eat these foods. While it may make it harder to cut back, it isn’t impossible.

According to registered dietician LeeAnn Weintraub, consuming more high-fat and high-sugar foods causes more brain activity that is responsible for reward and motivation. This is how our brains begin to learn to prefer foods that are high in fat and sugar, causing cravings for these kinds of foods.

In addition to causing our brains to learn to crave these kinds of foods, regular consumption of them can also lead to a diet that is lacking in proper nutrients and leave you more susceptible to health conditions such as high blood pressure, inflammation, weight gain, diabetes, and fatty liver.

Just because it is hard to cut back on your consumption of fatty or sugary foods doesn’t mean that it is entirely impossible. Some simple changes you make when it comes to your food can lead to some big results. Consider drinking water rather than sodas or juices, bake and grill foods instead of frying them, use fruit to sweeten foods rather than sugar, pay attention to the nutrition labels, and keep track of what you eat in a day.

Cutting back on these unhealthy foods doesn’t mean that you won’t be able to enjoy great-tasting foods! Arizona agriculture produces lots of great-tasting, nutritious foods such as meat products, vegetables, fruits, and more! Check out the Fill Your Plate website for more information on where to buy locally-grown products!

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Choose Your Breakfasts Intentionally

By Heide Kennedy, Arizona Farm Bureau Communications Intern

When you first wake up in the morning, how much thought do you actually give to what you’re going to eat for breakfast? Do you take the time to prepare and cook yourself a nutritious, balanced breakfast, or do you stumble into the kitchen, pour a cup of coffee, and make a bowl of cereal? While it does take more time and effort, actually planning out your breakfast intentionally can really help you get through the rest of the day.

Eggs are a delicious and economical breakfast option.

When it comes to choosing your breakfast, what you eat really comes down to your own personal health goals and dietary needs, as registered dietician Maya Feller says there is no one-size-fits-all kind of breakfast. The one thing in common with all healthy breakfasts, however, is that they are made up of a balanced combination of complex carbohydrates, healthy fats, and a protein source.

Feller notes that when we choose to eat the right kinds of foods for breakfast we can set ourselves up for a successful day where we have high energy levels and an improved mood. Some good options to consider including in your breakfasts are eggs, vegetables, sweet potatoes, dairy products, whole grains, nuts, and seeds.

Try out different combos of these healthy breakfast foods and make your breakfast intentionally to make the rest of your day as successful as possible!

Did you know that Arizona agriculture produces lots of breakfast foods listed above? Check out your local farmers market for fresh, locally grown foods to use in your meals!

For more breakfast articles, or for more information on where to find locally produced foods, check out the Fill Your Plate blog!

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Zinc is Essential for Overall Health

By Heide Kennedy, Arizona Farm Bureau Communications Intern

It has always amazed me just how important vitamins and minerals are to our health. Zinc in particular is an essential trace mineral that plays a big role in so many of our body’s functions and is very easy to get through your diet.

According to registered dietician Abigail Basson, zinc is crucial for various physiological processes in the body and is vital for maintaining overall health. Some of the health benefits that zinc has to offer include:

  • Immune support
  • Reduced inflammation
  • Boosts bone strength
  • Is important for reproductive health
  • Helps with smelling and tasting
  • Boosts brain health
  • Aids in wound healing
  • Benefits skin health
  • Promotes eyesight
  • Promotes heart health
  • Is crucial for growth and development
  • Balances blood sugar

Luckily, getting enough zinc is super easy, especially if you already eat a balanced diet. Some foods that are known to be good sources of zinc include beef, pork, poultry and seafood, dairy products, legumes, whole grains, and nuts and seeds.

Did you know that Arizona agriculture produces all of those zinc-rich foods that were listed above? Check out the Fill Your Plate website for more information and resources on where to find locally-produced food products!

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