Search recipe:

- Basque Barbecue Leg of Lamb
- Lamb
- Directions
- Basque Barbecue Leg of Lamb 1 6 to 7 pound leg of lamb or 1 whole lamb MARINADE: 4 tablespoons salt 1 teaspoon pepper 5 cloves garlic, put through press ½ salad oil or pure cottonseed oil 2 large lemons, juiced The day before, mix all marinade ingredients. Place in a pint jar and shake well. Remove excess fat from lamb without breaking the parchment-like fell, leaving a little fat in order to enhance flavor. Using a small brush, spread surface of meat well with marinade. Place lamb in a large pan, cover, refrigerate overnight or for 24 hours. Baste occasionally with marinade. FOLLOWING DAY: Remove meat from refrigerator at least 40 minutes before cooking time, in order to bring to room temperature. Heat coals. Either lay leg of lamb on grill or place on a spit. Turn meat over every 15 minutes. Cook to desired doneness. Transfer meat to a pan and let rest for 10 minutes before carving. (Resting meat makes it firm and easier to carve.) Total cooking time: approximately 21/2 hours. Serves 8 to
- Provided by:
- Carmen Auza
Where You Can Buy Ingredients:
Farmers |
47 Ranch Sky Island Beef
McNeal, Arizona, 85617 View details |
A Bar H Farm
Anya Owens and Josh Koehn San Simon, AZ, 85632View details |
High Castle Ranch
Diane Braun Wilhoit, AZ, 86332View details |
JH Grass Fed
Cave Creek, Arizona, 85327 View details |
Lazy Eye Bar N Ranch
Dan Gray Pinon, AZ, 86510View details |
Perkinsville Meat Processing
Mark & Cyndy Ducote Chino Valley, AZ, 86323View details |
San Ysidro Farm
Nathan and Jackie Watkins McNeal, AZ, 85617View details |
Sheep Springs Sheep Co dba Dobson Family Farm Inc.
Marc Pedersen Chandler, AZ, 85248View details |
Siegle Farm
Narita Siegle Willcox, AZ, 85643View details |
The Micro Farm Project
Phoenix, Arizona View details |