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4-Ingredient Healthy Snickers Bars
1. Blend the rice cakes, 1.5 Tbsp peanut butter, and honey in a food processor.
2. In a medium-sized pot, bring 4 cups of water to a boil.
3. Cut each of the dates in half and soak them in the boiling water for 20 minutes.
4. Flatten the rice cake mixture into a parchment-paper-lined pan while the dates soak.
5. After twenty minutes, put the soaked dates and 1.5 Tbsp of peanut butter into a food processor with a large spoonful of the water from the dates being soaked.
6. Spoon and smooth the date mixture on the rice cake layer.
7. Melt chocolate chips in a microwave-safe bowl in the microwave (about 1 min)
8. Drizzle melted chocolate on top of the layers in the pan.
9. Freeze for one hour and cut into bite-sized pieces.
10. Enjoy!!!
Partially inspired by the Natural Delights and Food With Feeling Homemade Snicker Bars with Dates recipe.