Search recipe:

Baked Goat Cheese Crostini
  • 6 oz Plain Fresh Goat Cheese (substitute with your favorite cheese)
  • 1/4 cup Fresh Bread Crumbs
  • 1 Tbsp Pine Nuts, chopped
  • 2 Garlic Cloves
  • 1/4 cup Extra Virgin Olive Oil, Divided
  • 1 Baguette
Form goat cheese into a 3/4-inch thick disc. Combine bread crumbs and chopped pine nuts in a small dish. Pat bread crumb mixture evenly onto goat cheese disc and set aside. Caramelize garlic by sauteing the cloves in the olive oil over medium heat for about 15 minutes, until golden. Set aside to cool. Heat the oven to 300 degrees. Slice baguette in 1/4-inch thick pieces at an angle, about 4 inches long (for toasts). Take the olive oil in which the garlic cloves were sauteed and brush both sides of each bread slice with it. Place the bread on a sheet pan and bake them at 300 degrees for about 20 minutes, until light brown. Remove from oven and let cool to room temperature. Increase oven heat to 450 degrees. Place goat cheese on a cookie sheet and bake for 3 to 4 minutes, until bread crumbs turn a light golden color and cheese begins to puff. Remove the cheese from the oven and transfer to a serving plate or platter. Sprinkle caramelized garlic over baked goat cheese and drizzle with any remaining garlic olive
Provided by:
Black Mesa Ranch in Snowflake, AZ

Where You Can Buy Ingredients:

Chile Acres

Jimmie & Celia Peterson

Tonopah, Arizona, 85354
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Chiva Risa Ranch

Bisbee, Arizona
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Crow's Dairy, Inc

Wendell & Rhonda Crow - Mary Lou & Erik Hernandez

Buckeye, Arizona, 85326
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Fiore Di Capra

Alethea Swift

Pomerene, Arizona, 85627
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Foote's Hold Dairy

John Foote

Dudleyville, Arizona, 85192
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Sheep Springs Sheep Co dba Dobson Family Farm Inc.

Marc Pedersen

Chandler, AZ, 85248
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The Simple Farm

Michael and Lylah Ledner

Scottsdale, AZ, 85260
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