Search recipe:
- Baked Goat's Cheese Appetizer with Shrimp & Basil
- 2 Sheets Filo Pastry, thawed
- 1 large Garlic Clove, crushed
- 10 Fresh Basil Leaves, chopped fine
- 1 oz Pine Nuts
- 1 Tbsp Walnut Oil
- 2 oz Parmesan or other grating cheese, grated
- 4 oz Shrimp, raw and chopped
- 6 oz Plain Fresh Goat Cheese
- 4 oz Butter
- Directions
- Combine the garlic and basil with a pinch of salt. Pound the nuts in mortar with a pestle and add the oil and the basil and garlic mixture. Stir in the Parmesan and chopped shrimp. Slice the chevre (goat cheese) into 4 pieces. Cut each sheet of filo in half, brush with melted butter and place one slice of the goat cheese in the center. Spoon 1/4 of the shrimp mixture over each. Brush edges of pastry with melted butter and wrap up to form a parcel. Place on a baking sheet and brush, again, with butter. Bake at 400 degrees for about 20 minutes.
- Provided by:
- Black Mesa Ranch in Snowflake, AZ
Where You Can Buy Ingredients:
Farmers |
Chile Acres
Jimmie & Celia Peterson Tonopah, Arizona, 85354View details |
Chiva Risa Ranch
Bisbee, Arizona View details |
Crow's Dairy, Inc
Wendell & Rhonda Crow - Mary Lou & Erik Hernandez Buckeye, Arizona, 85326View details |
Fiore Di Capra
Alethea Swift Pomerene, Arizona, 85627View details |
Foote's Hold Dairy
John Foote Dudleyville, Arizona, 85192View details |
Sheep Springs Sheep Co dba Dobson Family Farm Inc.
Marc Pedersen Chandler, AZ, 85248View details |
The Simple Farm
Michael and Lylah Ledner Scottsdale, AZ, 85260View details |