Search recipe:

- Peppered Pork Tenderloin
- 1 Pork tenderloin, about one pound
- 2 tsp lemon pepper
- 1/2 tsp cayenne pepper or pepper blend seasoning
- Directions
- Rub tenderloin all over with combined peppers; place in shallow roasting pan and roast in 425°F. oven for 15-20 minutes, until internal temperature (measured with a meat thermometer) reads 155°-160°F. Let roast rest for 5 minutes before slicing to serve. Serve with: Small Pasta with Parmesan Cheese Green Salad French bread
- Provided by:
- AZ Pork Council
Where You Can Buy Ingredients:
Farmers |
47 Ranch Sky Island Beef
McNeal, Arizona, 85617 View details |
Hopkins Hog Farm
Elija Hopkins Aguila, AZ, 85320View details |
M Triangle Ranch
Mark & Shelley Michaels Bonita, Arizona, 85643View details |
Perkinsville Meat Processing
Mark & Cyndy Ducote Chino Valley, AZ, 86323View details |
San Ysidro Farm
Nathan and Jackie Watkins McNeal, AZ, 85617View details |
Sheep Springs Sheep Co dba Dobson Family Farm Inc.
Marc Pedersen Chandler, AZ, 85248View details |
The Meat Shop
Tim Wilson Phoenix, AZ, 85004View details |